Thursday, July 31, 2014

the july update: second edition

I'm a big fan of holding my breath.  I'll hold it when I'm watching a movie and people are swimming under water.  I'll hold it if I'm driving and I see someone driving like a dick; conversely I'll hold it when I'm kinda driving like a dick (particular in the snow).  I hold my breath when I'm scared, I hold it during the best action scenes, and of course I hold it a little bit when I'm brushing my teeth.  I don't know why for that last part, but it's true.

Imagine spending the entire month of July essentially holding your breath.

Now I of course don't mean that in a literal sense, but I've known since July 1st when I started photoshopping the necessary elements of my book cover (read about that here) that the month would end in the publication of my book.

It's terrifying, it's a little awe inspiring, and overall it gives me lots and lots of butterflies.

But I am getting a smidgen ahead of myself because while most of the month was spent in anticipation of the big event, there were also plenty of other things that occured that are just as notable, if not more so.

So July started with a week off of work, and that was amazing.  No travel, no real plans to do anything, just a glorious week of enjoying summer and getting to act like a kid again (complete with swimming in a pool in someone's backyard and drinking lots of apple juice (Redd's apple juice, natch)).  I spent a lot of time with Miss T and reconnected with her after a few stray months of getting too stuck in my own world.

But really we did spend a lot of time together this month and it was very nice.  We went to Sawdust days in Oshkosh for the 4th of July and saw a whole slew of people with eyepatches and rotting teeth, and sadly wearing what they probably considered their best outfits.  I tried to fit in by making one eye wander independently from the other (that's the truth, too).  The picture above was from later in the month after seeing her husband, J, play in the Glam Band in Houdini Plaza for the Appleton Downtown Concert Series that goes on every thursday night in the summer.  We went to katsuya after (my first time there) and had a blast with our chef who told me I looked like Thor.


Later in the month I was told I look like the offspring of Thor and Brad Pitt.


There was also my 10 year high school reunion, and despite rehearsing my speech to recite a detailed account of how I concocted a miracle glue recipe (I really hope you all get that reference), hardly anybody showed up.  What a bust.  And really, that was heartbreaking, because I wanted to show off how much thinner I got since the last reunion five years ago.

All kidding aside, I had been looking forward to seeing more people and that just didn't happen.  I didn't get out a pen and paper to tally but I doubt more than twenty or so people showed their faces.  That just goes to show how maybe high school was a miserable experience for more people than just me and they don't really need to relive it.  That's what Facebook is for anyway, isn't it?  I went to the reunion with @jonathan_kent and @leahvanrooy and had a blast though, with @caitcd showing up later in the evening.  The drinks were strong and cheap so that's always a winning combination.  And also it's worth mentioning that I did reconnect with some friends from elementary school and that in and of itself made the night worth it.

Maybe I'll be the organizer of the 15 year reunion?

There was also the event of this lovely gal's bridal shower, on a day with weather that could not have been more perfect if you begged for it.  Warm, low humidity, brilliant sun and a good breeze.  And the day went off perfectly as well and really that's all that matters.  @caitcd got some great gifts, I got a great doorprize, and we all won!  Sunshine and rainbows for everyone!  The day of her wedding is getting closer and closer and I've started working on the speech she asked me to give at it.  It's difficult to mix the right amount of humor with the right amount of heart, without alienating anyone in the audience, but I suppose that's what makes a good speech, yeah?

Overall the month was great.  It was mostly hot, sadly not filled with any really great lightning storms, and it was as long as it needed to be.  I love summer and I'll be sad when it's gone, but right about now is when I start thinking about fall and Halloween and all that entails.  I'm juuuuuust about ready for cooler nights, bonfires, rainy days with orange leaves in the gutters, and of course some pumpkin spice lattes.

Until then, I'm content wearing a tank top and trying to get a tan.

So what else happened in July?  I finished re-reading the Harry Potter series (and re-watching all of the movies) and both started and finished Game of Thrones on HBO.  I babysat my sister's kids for the first time in my life, nailed a karaoke duet with Miss T, and finally bought something at the farmer's market with @markstyleme.  Made a great chocolate zucchini bread, went out to the art walk to support my friends at Anagen Eleven, and I suppose above all I began to work on the final edit of my second book.  No time like the present, right?  RIGHT!

Check back at midnight for the next blog, aptly titled "no longer self-proclaimed."  You'll see why if you didn't already know (c:

PS I'm OBSESSED with this song right now.  Ciao for now!  Biggest news of my life drops August 1st!

Like what you read?  Follow me here on Facebook!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

a cover story

Marketing is a bitch, I'd like to say that first and foremost.  And not because it's difficult to sometimes execute, and not because the physical act of creating it is necessarily difficult, but the idea itself is.  A movie poster, an ad in a magazine, or let's just say a book cover... you've got to sell something without having the luxury of adding your own words and excitement to it.

Let an image sit on its own and sell a product for you.

I've always had it in my head what I wanted for the cover of my book.  Granted, the very very first version of what was then called "The Originality" was just the word hovering over a cityscape with the "O" as the ring the book is based around.  But soon after that I started putting my three main characters on the cover.  At first they were anime style characters because that was all I could draw at the time, and sadly I cannot find any pictures of what that cover once was.  Trust me, it was something...

In 2006 I started drawing what you see below.  They were originally models from magazines that I traced and then changed the details of (hair, clothes, yadda yadda.)  Banning, the gent in the middle, is wearing an outfit from later in the book but I realize now looking back on it that it looks like a Halloween costume or maybe a sex-slave outfit.  Either, really.

I got the idea one day a few months later while avoiding writing that I should fill in the drawing with black.  I kept thinking that if it were really a book cover, I wouldn't want to see the faces of the people I'd drawn because they weren't amazing in any way and certainly no one would buy a book that looked like that.  Ever.  Now that being said, I've always loved silhouettes.  I find them powerful, mysterious, and in the end, just plain cool.  I couldn't tell you why if I tried, it's just something about them that strikes me.

So I retraced my image, transferred it, and then colored it in with a black marker.  Not really pleased with the marker, I then painted it with black and once it had dried, used my parents scanner to bring it to digital life.  In the middle picture above, the way the paint dried is why there are ripples in the background.  Then I used the junky version of Photoshop I had at the time and filled them in and right away, I was impressed.  With a little dicking around (as I'm so fond of doing with Photoshop) I added some light effects and lens flares and it absolutely blew me away.

No, it wasn't perfect, but to a 21-year-old me at the time it was the best thing I could imagine.  And it became the cover of "The Originality."

Three years later I started the final MAJOR rewrite of the book and with it came a title change that didn't make me cringe every time someone asked me what my book was called.  "The Originality" became "The Onyxus Chronicles."  I decided at that point to move beyond the drawn version of the cover and hunt down pictures of actual people to use instead.  The character of Sydney (on the right) is British and was originally based on Kate Beckinsale, but as time had gone on and I discovered Emily Blunt, she replaced her.  Going into this that was the only person I knew I would be using.  For Bryna, on the left, I just needed to find an actress shorter in stature with blonde hair, and Kristen Bell fit the role perfectly.

Then there's Banning.  He's written as having blond hair, but for the rewrite it ended up being a dirtier blond and I found a picture of a model named Caleb Lane that reminded me of the outfit he wears later in the book (again, the trashy sex-slave outfit.)  So I had my leads.

For a time, this cover served its purpose just as its predecessor had and I was pleased with it.  At this point the reason behind keeping them as silhouettes was so that the reader could imagine any face they wanted on the figures.  Imagine themselves, imagine a friend, whatever they wanted.  That's part of why silhouettes are cool; they can be what you need if you have a little imagination.  And clearly I tamed Emily Blunt's hair, because in silhouette form it looked craaaaazy.

We flash forward a few years later now.  The thing that bugged me about the second incarnation of the book cover was that you could not see any details.  Hair color, skin color, nothing.  I wanted it to be a bit more than that.  At this point I'd also gotten over my fascination with Caleb Lane and wanted to go with super-sexy-stud-muffin Brandon Stoughton instead.  Also, Bryna needed to be replaced by someone who looked a little more exotic and Amanda Seyfried has blossomed into a vixen ready for the role.

So I hunted down hi-def images, found a PERFECT shot of Emily Blunt, and using Photoshop skills that had become much more finely tuned I came up with what you see below.

I was in love with it.  Suddenly they weren't just silhouettes but they were real.  They were tangible.  I could imagine them doing and saying the things they do in the book and it made all the difference to me.

That was 2012 though, and when I decided to get serious about publishing, I knew I had some more work to do.  I spoke with my wonderful big brother at great length about the cover and he said he would design it for me.  I was over the moon because he's good at that "stuff" and I knew my ideas would be in good hands.  In January this year he sent me a page of mockups and I picked and prodded them with what I did and did not like before giving him my thoughts.  There was no huge rush to get the cover done, seeing as I wasn't done with the final edit of my work, so I messed around with some of his ideas on my own work and churned out the cover below in the interim.

I had to get rid of Times New Roman as a font because that was just silly at this point.  Ease back on the multiple lens flares, moved Sydney to the opposite side (because she's his right hand... get it?) and add a little shading to the girls to give better depth.  Again, I loved it, because it was never a question to me of what I wanted this to look like.  Maybe it was not the exact version of what I wanted it to look like, but my idea was solid.

I figured when the time came to make the real cover I would just go to a website like and buy a few images to use.  Legally I couldn't use my three celebrities on the cover, due in large part to the fact I had not taken the pictures myself and therefore did not own them.  I am but a humble writer, one without a legal team to fight my battles were someone to get huffy over what I'd done.

But after perusing Shutterstock I admit I was at a loss.  None of the models were posed the way I wanted, there faces (though no, they wouldn't be seen) were nothing at all like those of the characters, and it just bothered me.  It killed me, actually, because I didn't want to "settle" with my book cover.  I've never been the person who says "Yeah... this is good enough, I guess," and anyone who knows me would agree.

My brother suggested I shoot the cover myself and after some deliberation I decided he was right.

I reached out on Facebook for help, something I'm not super prone to doing.  Me being me, I like to do things myself.  This time however, I would not be able to turn myself into a woman to get the silhouettes.  Not good ones, at least.


I know I shouldn't be as surprised as I usually am when people are willing to help me but I genuinely was shocked at the interest people showed in being a part of the cover.  The very first response was from a girl I used to work with at Express and it floored me.  When I met her so long ago, I thought she looked like Bryna.  When I started the re-write of the book, Bryna became her.  Her features changed a little to fit this girl I knew so little about, and in the end, she was who I thought of whenever I read the character.  And she wanted to be her on the cover, not even knowing my thoughts on the matter.  So obviously I was over the moon.

I asked a specific person I had in mind to be my Sydney and she was very enthusiastic to do so.  I told the girls I would keep them anonymous for their sake, and should they decide to reveal the roles they played then that would be up to them.  My plan when I started writing this blog had been to then tell you all that I'd found a guy for my Banning and leave it at that, but me being me (again) and annoyingly honest, I'll just tell the truth.

I filled in for Banning.

I thought it would be too self-serving to do so right off the bat, but the amount of people that told me I should be him just mounted to a point that I thought "Oh who the fuck cares, it's my book and he's my creation."

Banning always was me.  He represented me.  And though he's straight and super fit and yadda yadda yadda, his character will always represent the biggest piece of me (as opposed to the girls which are just fractions of my mind.)  So I filled the shoes of my leading man and that's all there is to it.  Easter egg revealed!

So the girls came over, I turned my apartment into a studio, and we had a blast.  @markstyleme came to help with hair and posing, @klreynol was there because she has been since the inception of the book (and it's dedicated to her, so I felt it was only right to have her present,) and @caitcd was on hand as well with her camera so that the pictures would hit the quality I needed.  We drank champagne and wine and laughed and joked the whole time.  We made each other feel comfortable in what we were doing and that was the best part, because ever so surprisingly, it is not easy at all to mimic the poses of pictures you've been staring at for so many years.

When I took the very first picture and saw how the backlighting worked on my Sydney, I got a little emotional.  Goosebumps, tight throat, the works.  Because it was finally real.  This whole thing was finally real, and I guess in many ways, coming to an end.

That's the final cover.  That's what is wrapped around the 396 page novel currently sitting beside me on my desk as I write this.  I am so stoked for this cover, I'm so over joyed that it hit the marks I wanted it to hit and will do it's job at selling the book the way I intended it to.  Striking, simple, and a little mysterious.  It could serve as a movie poster, it will be the template for each of the three (so far) sequels that branch off from this story, and it just works.  It may not be the best cover ever designed but it's what I wanted and that's all that matters in the end.

I am incredibly appreciative to my brother Josh most of all for his help in designing the final cover(s) and could never thank him enough.  I'm thankful to the insight and input from my three bests that were with me the night I cemented this in history, and above all I'm thankful to all of you and your continued words of support.  One week from tomorrow and this will be published and available for anyone and everyone wants to read it.

The cover story is only the beginning!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

the june update: second edition

I'm not sure if you can tell by now, but I never got around to writing again in June.  Color yourselves surprised, right?  I was telling @klreynol at some point this month how it has gotten harder and harder for me to sit down and write these.  I don't know if that's just a lack of interest on my part or if it's because I just have way too much going on in my world.  The bulk of "too much" centers around my book, but as I keep saying, that's a blog for another time (and one I'm actively working on.)

Sooooooo June.  Great month, for starters.  There was all kinds of stuff that happened and kept me scootin' around for the most part.  We shall start, dear reader, with a brief account of my trip to Texas.

Side note: I just bought a new desk chair and threw out my old one, but the new one isn't here yet so I'm sitting on this wood one that's just KILLING my ass.

I kicked off the trip on a Thursday with that dear gal you see up above.  Admittedly I was a little stressed out about this trip because it'd be spending a lot of time with my mom and something that I hadn't done in a very long time.  The last time we'd even flown together was for my brother's wedding back in 2001 and even then, we didn't sit together on the plane.  There is always an initial feeling that I'm going to get annoyed with someone but I'm always pleased as punch to discover it doesn't really apply to family members.  Parents, siblings, yadda yadda.  And from the minute we took off, it was great.

The flights went as planned, no drama or anything like that.  When we got to Austin I checked in with Hertz and upgraded my car from whatever it was supposed to be and to a 2014 Chevy Cruze.  I personally would never buy one (I'm too tall for cars like that) but it was a fun vehicle to scoot around town in for a few days, and being my first rental car I was happy with how it turned out.  Josh called it a stormtrooper car (it was white with black details).  I was super stoked that I was able to navigate us all the way from the airport to Josh's house WITHOUT the GPS.  I'm weird when it comes to directions anyway but that's usually only when I've driven somewhere myself before; I just remember.

Seeing as I'd never driven in Austin myself, I was waaaay proud of the accomplishment.  We went to a fun place called Chuy's for dinner (TexMex food, outdoors of course) and then I think just farted around the house that evening.

The next day Josh had to work and the kids were in school, so mom and I drove around the city all day.  Chatting, stopping for food, shopping and sight-seeing.  It was refreshing in a weird way to go about the day with her because I was able to see the city with someone who didn't really know it either, and it was a chance to experience it somewhat "on my own" without a guide like my brother.

That night I went out to dinner with my former sister-in-law and her new fiance (is it weird we hang out?  I don't think so) and then we met up with my brother to go to Master Pancake at the Alamo Drafthouse downtown.  Master Pancake is sort of like a live Mystery Science Theatre thing, where there are a few comedians that make fun of a movie the whole time you're watching it.  Last summer Josh took me to one for ConAir (hiiiiilarious) and this time it was for the first Hunger Games movie.  It was funny, but you could definitely tell there's not as much to make fun of when it's a good movie (compared to a Michael Bay terd).

And honestly the rest of the trip just flew by.  We saw Maleficent as a family unit, visited Zilker Park,  checked out a few Whole Foods on the search for mesh bags, visited out a town/tourist trap called Gruene (Green) that was fun, and then the trip was wrapped up and mom and I were headed home with a four hour layover in Atlanta.  I will say we got to experience the lovely Terminal F, which was international departures and quite nice from being remodeled, and thus not a bad way to spend such a bulk of time.

A week or so into the month, @caitcd and I decided to kick off the summer and go tubing up in Crivitz on the Peshtigo river (the usual haunt) and drove up on a Monday morning.  It's an 80 mile drive, takes about an hour and half but it's always worth it because the water is decently deep and you never run into people on the river.  THIS time, however, was a no-go.  That mean old bastard that runs the campground you rent the tubes from was the most unapologetic shit ever.

Sean: "Hi there, could we get two for tubing please?"
Old Fuck Head (OFH): "We're not doing it today."
Sean: "...what?"
OFH: "We only do that Friday Saturday and Sunday now."
@caitcd: "Does your website say that?"
OFH: "Not yet."
Sean: "We... drove 80 miles from Appleton."
OFH:  ::shrug::

No apology, no remorse that even though the website says they run it everyday, they don't.  We were both liiiiiivid.  So we took off, I burned rubber (not really) and decided to head over to Marinette because it wasn't far and neither of us had ever been there.  And y'know, it ended up being an okay day.  We went to a couple state parks and got to walk in the water of Lake Michigan (above) and just be outside.  It was a little chilly anyway and I think we would've been kinda cold if we had ended up actually in the water.  But a few Gin & Tonics, plus some chips and assorted treats and we were right as rain.

And also aware not to try to go tubing outside of the weekends.

Towards the end of the month I got a bug up my butt to start working on a new furniture project.  Maybe 8 years ago I bought the above desk from Target as a floormodel.  I paid like $30 for it, the back panel was shattered and the thing had been put together wrong.  But I bought it anyway and used it for a few years before deciding I wanted to fix it.  My awesome dad was nice enough to step in and take over for me, fixing the back panel and sanding the whole thing down so it could be staind this mahogany color I had purchased.

He did the staining and varnishing and all that, and while I loved it at the time, over the years I disliked it more and more because it was always so damn shiny and red.  A few days ago I noticed these weird bubbles on it and picked at one of them, only to have it peel off in a huge chunk of dried polyurethane.  So I decided to give it my "headboard treatment" from last year.  I disassembled the desk and took it over to my parents' house, sanding it down in about an hour.

I took a chain, a metal file, and an axe to it, beating the hell out of the top of the desk and the drawers so that I'd get that great "reclaimed" effect I have come to love so much.  I actually had the whole thing stained and varnished that very day, working quickly when I got home to stain the entire base ebony and then the top and drawers walnut.  I'd have left the walnut raw (like I did the ebony) because I don't really like how the polyurethane makes the stain look, but I knew with it being a desk I'd have to otherwise I'd fuck it up somehow and be pissed at myself.

No one likes being pissed at themselves!

And lastly we come to tonight, June 30th.  Tonight, tonight... and it was a big one, actually.  I put out a post on Facebook a couple weeks ago announcing that I was looking for some models to shoot a new version of my book cover.  I'll go more into depth on the cover in a blog a few weeks from now, but I'll give the gist of it here.  The cover as it exists right now is celebrities.  And there is a silly thing called "copyright" that I rarely pay attention to, but when it comes to this I'm afraid I must.

Because I don't want to be sued.

I'm gonna keep the models anonymous because the whole point of using silhouettes as I do is to allow you to put whoever you want in the shadow.  Picture whoever you want.  I had @markstyleme come over to assist with hair and wardrobe, @caitcd there to be the photographer extraordinaire, and of course @klreynol because she's taken this journey with me from the beginning and seeing as the first book is dedicated to her, it was only fitting she experience this.  So everyone came over and we had some champagne to celebrate, and then we got down to taking some pictures.

I haven't gotten around to tinkering with them yet, I'll have plenty of time tomorrow to do so, but so far I am ecstatic with how they turned out.  Once assembled, the silhouettes go off to my brother and he'll assemble the final cover.  Then, ya know... bing bang boom I'm a millionaire.

Or something.

So what else happened in June?  Saw what felt like a million movies: Edge of Tomorrow was excellent, How to Train Your Dragon 2 was fantastic, Maleficent was great, Transformers was shitty-awful.  Busted out new songs at karaoke, celebrated @klreynol's little boy Noah turning one, and GRILLED OUT LIKE A CHAMP.  I got some fancy new glasses, absolutely and completely finished my first novel, got some wicked awesome tan lines that I certainly won't regret (...), and finally, spent quality time with all of the people that make me me.  Ya'll know who you are (c:

Ciao for now!