Monday, October 27, 2014

when it comes to soulmates

Letting something change is hard.  Letting something change that you've known a certain way for 16 years is even harder.  And when you're faced with the realization that nothing you do can stop said change from occurring... the only thing left is to take a deep breath, shake out your hands, and move it along like you've still got a purpose.

Even if you don't feel like you do.

My family and I moved to Wisconsin in March of 1997.  It was a rough time for all of us, but not really that rough now that I come to think about it.  We said goodbye to the people and places we had always known, and then we journeyed across the country to start a new adventure.  It was easier to be the one that leaves because you've got so many new and exciting things to experience when you reach your destination.  You don't, at least I didn't when I was 11, think about the people you are leaving behind.

What are they going to go through?  How will they feel about it all?  When we got here I had a pretty easy time making friends.  It was the end of 5th grade and people were more excited about me being from Southern California than anything else.  6th grade was just fine and dandy as well, but when 7th grade started I got sick and ended up missing the first few months of school.

More on that in another blog, sometime.

When I came back to school in November of 1998, I didn't have friends anymore.  New cliques had been formed in a school full of new faces, and I wasn't the "it" person anymore.  If anything I was the weak person because I'd been sick and not present for the team building that went on without me.  Cue the violins, I know.

I met a girl though, a special one, about a month after coming back in December of 1998.  Her name was Katie (the @klreynol I refer to in these blogs (but only as Katie in this one)), and we met through a girl I had started to "date" if holding hands counts as dating.  Katie and I got along pretty well and always had plenty of things to talk about.  We had a homeroom together that was in the gym and we wrote stupid things with Jelly Pens and notes to each other, yadda yadda.  And try as I might I just cannot find any pictures of us together from that school year.

Eventually my girlfriend faded into obscurity and Katie and I became "best friends."  I had never really had one before... the kids I grew up with in California never really earned the title.  Through no fault of theirs, of course, I just didn't think about bestowing it.  Katie and I did everything together.  Movies and bike rides and phone calls that lasted for hours.  We shared stories and confided secrets, we grew closer in a way that I hadn't experienced before.


That's the oldest picture I have of us, from 8th grade graduation.  Well there's one other but it was only like a week earlier so who cares.  It's funny to look back on that, with everything that has happened, and try to put myself back in the shoes I filled.  I probably thought I'd be living in California again by now, working as a Marine Biologist and driving a Mustang.  That was the dream, at least.

On that day we were ready to face the future together as best friends.  Nothing could come between us.  And then six months later, we stopped being friends.  And we didn't just stop being "best" friends, we completely stopped any form of a relationship completely.  I stopped it, effectively cutting her out of my life like the selfish brat I was and not thinking about anyone but myself in the process.  I know I've written about it before and I'm not going to write about it again here.

After three years were wasted, we reconnected.  And admittedly it took a while to get remotely close to where we were before, but it did happen.  


Katie moved away right when we started talking again, and our relationship was rebuilt through phone calls, chatting online, and EVENTUALLY text messaging.  Because we're old and that wasn't always an option.  There was a night when we were talking through something... maybe AIM, maybe MySpace, and she told me that she felt a person could have more than one soulmate in life.  Drawn to one another, they complete one another when together... and that to her, I was her soulmate.  And I felt the same.  

Time goes on and you grow closer.  You start to experience things, often very painful things, and you turn to a certain person each time.  They help you through it, they lift you up, and you realize what it really means to have a soulmate.  They are an extension of you in some way, the yin to your yang, and they just get it.  Without it being explained, whatever it is, they just get it.


Over the last couple of years Katie has been talking about potentially moving away.  Her husband was casually looking for jobs in other states and I knew it was always a possibility that it could happen.  Or that it would happen, I suppose.  People change and their needs change and eventually I think it comes down to sink or swim time.

Early this year she told me her parents would be moving to Arizona, her brother and sister subsequently doing the same.  It was only logical she and her husband move as well, seeing as there would no longer be any family up here in the Tundra.  It would happen by the fall.

So with a timeline in place, I firmly blocked the event out of my mind.  If I didn't think about it then somehow it was a little less real.  I have friends, don't get me wrong.  I have a network of Bests that I rely on for several random things at random times and in random intervals.  Each brings something different to the table.  But with Katie, it's hard to describe.  If I had to try, I would say that she doesn't bring anything to the table because she is the legs that support it.  My sounding board, my rock, my confidant, my trustee, my sister... whatever you want to call it.

Natural and easy.

And as more and more people found out, they would make that face.  The eyes-widened-with-a-quick-intake-of-air-through-the-side-of-the-mouth face, as if to say I was facing the guillotine and they were worried for my safety.  "How do you feel about that?" "Oh my gosh, what'll you do without her?" "Are you okay?" "Wow, that sucks." "Let me know if you need anything when the time comes."

It felt good and bad to hear that from people.  They clearly knew who Katie is to me, that's good.  They also treated it as if she was going to die and I'd be a widower, that's bad.  It also made me ignore the situation even more.


The end of the summer drew near and then they found a place to live in Arizona.  Then a moving date was picked, and all of a sudden in my mind the countdown began.  I tried not to listen to people saying goodbye, always managing to keep it out of my head a little bit longer.  The month of October was crazy and jam packed (more on that in a different blog) and each time I thought about the impending move I pushed the tightness down in my throat and shoved on with my day.

And then strange things start to happen.

The dinners together become longer.  What was once a 45 minute chat over food now stretches to two hours.  Visits that occur later in the evening no longer last two hours tops, they extend and reach to five hours.

It's as if the impending grand finale of a story has had light shed on it, and the two soulmates are doing everything they can to make it last just a little bit longer.

A few more words.

A few more laughs.

The devastation of your demise is not represented by rubble and debris visible to the eyes, your eyes, but only to your heart.

It becomes the divide between real pain and superficial pain.

Slowly, but surely, you find you're now only grasping at thin air.  Memories and thoughts and questions and jokes seem to hover in suspension.  The only thing in my head is "will I remember saying these things tonight after I haven't seen her for six months?  Am I sending the right message with all of this?  Is this what she will remember as our last in-person conversation?"

I control everything.  I always have, I always will.  I control the pictures that are put up of me, I control how people view me.  You might think I'm naive to certain things, you might think I'm being casual and non-observant at certain points when you're around me, but I'm not.  I am always hyper aware of myself and my surroundings.  But with Katie I'm not.

I wasn't.

I never wanted to be.

After the hiatus of our friendship, the person she deserved to get to know again was the real me.  No holds barred, no hidden agendas, just me.  And our relationship flourished because of it.  There aren't many people in my life outside of her that get to see that side of me... even if I wanted them to.  I don't know why that is, other than it opens me up to being hurt by more people and that's something I'm not willing to do any longer.  She knows the ugly side of me, a side I'm sometimes terrified to acknowledge, and she accepts it.  I know I'll find that in another person someday, hopefully in a romantic sense, but for now I haven't.

Having someone like Katie in your life is a blessing of the highest order.  Finding a person you can call your soulmate and know they feel exactly as you do... you can't beat that.  Why would you even want to?


I gathered all of the Bests through a sheer miracle (the schedules of six busy adults is a difficult thing to wrangle) to take some pictures.  It would likely be the last time I would have all of them together for the foreseeable future if not ever again.  I wanted to take pictures of us as a group, the way we had done three years ago almost to the day.  I draw a certain energy from them and having all together at once is incredibly calming.

The biggest point of it was to have one final picture with Katie before everything changes.  I hate change, I really do.  As much of a proponent as I am for it, when change comes to my own life I tend to resist it for as long as I can.  Change isn't always a bad thing, sometimes it can be a very good thing, but more often than not there is someone who gets hurt in the process.  And this time it's me.

This time, I'm the one being left in a state when a friend moves across the country.  And this time I know how it feels to be on the non-adventure end of the stick.

I am so happy for her and her family, I truly am.  And I certainly know this isn't the end of our friendship by any means, just the start of a new part of the book.  It's sad and it's difficult, but it's nothing I won't be able to get through.  It's nothing our friendship won't be able to get through.  That's just how soulmates work.


This is the actual oldest picture that exists, October of 1999.  I was flipping through the 8th grade yearbook a month or so ago and seeing if I could find anything of @caitcd and her husband to influence my speech at her wedding when I stumbled upon it.

I never would have thought things would turn out the way they did between us.  How many laughs and tears we would share together.  I never thought she'd be the very first person I'd ever come out to, certainly never believed she would influence me to become an author.  But that part of our story has now been written and we can turn to the rest.  I don't know what it holds.  Part of me doesn't want to know what it holds... that's what makes it an adventure.  I am losing a piece of myself when her plane leaves tonight, but I know where to find it when I want to feel complete again.  At least I will have the option.

So onward we march to new lands, new scenery, new experiences, new laughs, new tears, new friends, new family, and in the end, new life.  Sad and beautiful and happy and mesmerizing as it could possibly be.  Onward.

I love you, Scoop.  A couple thousand miles won't change any of that.  Ciao for now (c:

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Saturday, October 11, 2014

fourth iteration

When I sat down three years ago today, I didn't think this blog was ever going to go anywhere.  Not to say blogs "travel," but I suppose in one way or another they do get around, yeah?  Yeah!  Every time  my words are read from somewhere in the country (re: planet) and every time one of you clicks "share," it travels.  And that's fantastic.  That's marvelous actually because you're allowing me to spread my wings and touch people.

That sounds kinda gross and super corny, but what's my absolute #1 rule!?!?!  If I wrote it, I leave it.  That's that.

But really, I didn't think I'd be writing these still after three years.  And if I was, I didn't think this would have become such an extension of me.  Oh, there is also something else to celebrate with this entry... and we allllllll know how much I love to commemorate occasions!

100TH BLOG! 

Who knew I had that much shit to write about?  Not this guy, and I write books!  ::tosses hair::

Originally the blog was supposed to just be an outlet for me when I had something on my mind but then it transformed into something quite different with "26 Golden Things" and all that project entailed.  When the project was wrapped and I was left scratching my head, the blog transformed yet again with the monthly updates and then Random Things... and eventually it just became a way to share my funny, weird, often sad and always kinda dumb life.  The excitement, the misery, and even as the description of the blog says, "the day-to-day trials and tribulations."  I wasn't far off in my original statement, was I?

I think in the year that has passed since I last sat down to write one of these iterations, the biggest change has been that I've started doing what I originally set out to do.  It took me 8 months to get my book ready for publishing this year, and I'm already hot on the heels of getting the second out in the early part of 2015.  I didn't think that would happen.

I won't say writing the "iteration" blogs has caused me to start acting on my words, because that would best be left for the "new resolution" blogs that happen every January 1st.  But really, when you run out of big things to do that are new to you, you might as well turn back and set your sights on the ideas and stories (because I'm an author, natch) that you thought would make you a big deal in the first place.

Am I a big deal yet?  No, not really, but sometimes I like to fantasize about the day I catch my big break.  If that Stephanie Meyer can write a turd like Twilight, I don't see why I can't as well.

And yes, I realize I referred to my book as a turd.  But I wrote it and can't erase it, because, y'know... fuckin' rules.

A lot is going to happen in this next year.  Some of it is speculation (moving away before I turn 30, as I planned on doing), and some of it is just basic fact (publishing two more books).  It's both scary and thrilling for me to think about the changes that are going to come, but in the same respect it has been scary and thrilling to see the changes that have already occurred over the last three years of writing about them.

Two bests were married, one got engaged, one ended an engagement and one was already married when she came into the mix.  I've switched jobs, I've experienced heartbreak both romantically and not, and the pursuit of learning how to be happy through my own means continues daily.  The blog has hit 9,694 views in the last three years and half of that number is from this last year alone.  Will I hit 20,000 before the next 100 are written?  I don't know.

But I think we should all find out together.  Here's to the fourth iteration, my wonderful friends and family and fans, and especially to anyone who just takes the time to read the words a once self-proclaimed author thought he should write down.  You all mean the world to me.

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Saturday, October 4, 2014

the month with the costumes

Updated Author's Note:
I failed to mention one of the annual Halloween rituals!  How could I forget my mother's yearly warning when we set our pumpkins out?  Josh and Megan, you know what I'm about to say.  Every year we would carve pumpkins either the day before or the day of Halloween.  Any earlier and they would rot.  And every year, without fail, up until probably 2010 before my parents moved out to the boonies, my mother had the same warning.

"Don't put those pumpkins too close to the door!  The last thing we need is a fairy princess catching her dress on fire."  Some years it alternated to "a ballerina," but you catch my drift.

Because the tealight inside of a pumpkin could set flame-retardant material on fire in such an absolute flash that it would set a child ablaze before you could even say "Ooh, watch out for that candle!"  I love you mom!


Everyone knows what my favorite holiday is.  It's not hard to figure it out if you know me and my theatrical qualities at all ::tosses hair::

When people tell me they don't get into Halloween, I think a small piece of me dies.  It shrivels up, it rots away, and it dies.  Forever.  How can you NOT get into Halloween?  It's the one time of year you can let your inner freak out without fear of the consequences!  Dress up, go out, have a blast and return to normal life the next day!

Well, not really normal for me, at least.  Typically I dress up a few times and the razor burn and makeup lasts a little bit longer than anyone intended.  But I digress.

Saying you don't get into Halloween automatically makes me think you grew up in the most religious, reserved house in the world.  I think my dad enjoyed Halloween but I know my mom sure as shit has always loved it and the proof to that is in the pudding.  Let's review 28 years worth of Halloween and all that it meant!  Or just skip to the end if you want to know what I'll be this year.

1986, 1988, 1989

I don't remember much about those first years.  I'm sure most of you are thinking "Well no shit, you're hardly bigger than the sperm that made you," but that would play no effect here.  I have a crazy memory about things in general, but I can remember weird details with pinpoint accuracy particularly when it comes to holidays gone by.

Those years, however, there's nothing to recall.

So we've of course got the cute little farmer, with drawn on (and subsequently smeared) freckles.  Then the first and last time I'll ever be a fucking clown (thanks mom).  And then Merlin, which is pretty cool I must say because I was a wizard with a taped and stapled hat and really, does it get any better?  Nope.


Alrighty, here we go, and indeed it DOES get better!  This was the last Halloween at Lanfair Street, and it is the first one I can remember.  My FIRST time as Peter Pan!  The Disney version came out on VHS that year, and upon seeing it I was in love.  What wasn't there to adore about a boy who could fly, wield a dagger and NEVER grow up?  I was hooked.  We grew up in a house that seldom (if ever) bought our costumes from a store.  If you were buying it from a store, you were buying random pieces to make the whole look.

My mom was the best mom in the world because she made us our costumes each year.  And no, not by putting things together, she actually went with us to the fabric store and we picked out a costume and pattern, and then she sewed the damn thing.  Case in point, exhibit below.

1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1996

We moved to a new house on Knightsbridge Lane and with it ushered in a new era of costumes and traditions.  We've got the Grim Reaper (and an introduction to makeup that would in later years become... something else) and a Pirate (and probably a gay pirate because hello, check out the shirt and fancy vest).  Then there was my second go at Peter Pan, with a new costume that was based off of "Hook" because it was a live action version and I liked wearing the tights.  Better shade of green, too.

In 1994 I was initially just a dead guy, but then decided with the OJ Simpson trial in full swing, I was Ron Goldman.  Which was tactless, I admit, but I was 8 and didn't care.  What was more tactless was when I shouted it at the neighbor lady when she answered the door.

"Haha, hi Sean!  Who are you supposed to be?"
"I'm Ron Goldman!"
"Oh... ohhh..."

1995 is unaccounted for.  I can neither confirm nor deny I tried fitting into the Peter Pan costume again.  So... that happened.

And then in 1996 (which was the last Halloween we spent living in California), I went as this weird Warlock thing and reused my brother's vampire cape that I had taken to running around the house and backyard in.  It was one of those foam mask things that you paint yourself and then stick on, but it didn't stay on and I think we ended up just kinda painting my face before going out Trick'r'Treating.  You can see my face is all scrunched up as I tried to keep it on.

The tradition I spoke of was obviously the chili tradition, which still holds sway now as many of you can attest to.  And I make a pretty damn good chili.  We would come home from school and start dicking around with our costumes while mom made dinner.  We weren't allowed to leave until we ate, so there was no point in even trying to convince my mom otherwise.  "Siddown (not "sit down," it was "siddown") and eat!  You're not going anywhere 'til you're done!" And out in California (not sure how it is now), you started going door to door when it got dark, and you went home when you felt like it.

None of this "4-8" bullshit.

So if it was dark outside and the doorbell was starting to ring, we'd get ants in our pants and start freaking out as if all of the candy would be gone.  And sometimes it was all gone from certain houses... one year it was our house that ran out.  And then we got toilet papered.

1998, 2000, 2001

We moved to Wisconsin in 1997 and that year I was a hippie.  It was a wasted effort that was boring as hell and you don't get to see a picture of it.  Mostly because it was bad enough that mom didn't even take a picture.

But my days of Trick'r'Treating were nearing an end anyway because I was encroaching on six feet of height and just getting older in general.  In 1998 I was home from school for a couple months due to my gallbladder illness, and with surgery being on October 21st that year I wasn't healed up enough to go out.  So I put on my Scream costume and pretended I was a dummy on the front porch.

And I scared the living shit out of any kid that took candy from the bowl.

It's the simple things in life and we all know how much I like to scare people in general.  What a hoot!  I did it in 2000 with @klreynol as my companion and again in 2001 for the last time.  That's my dad being an asshole behind me.


Ah yes, the first year in drag.  What a glimpse of things to come!  This was in 8th grade and @klreynol and I went out together for the first time ever.  The gown and wig were both from Goodwill (what a shit wig) and the various bullet wounds were obviously from a Halloween store.  People kept saying "Oh it's Carrie!" and I went with it, but in my head I kept thinking about how dumb they were because Carrie never got shot, she was doused in pig's blood.

It also took place in the 70's, while CLEARLY I was a dead prom queen from the 80's.  With washcloths for boobs.  Dummies.


This was the last time I went out for candy, and yes, I was a Junior in High School.  My friend Jenny and I didn't care, she went as a goth person and I was a frozen mountain climber.  I think we only did two blocks and then went home and watched a movie.  Talk about going out with a whimper and not a bang.

The Era of Drag BEGINS


I took 2004 off because I had started working in retail and Express had the Christmas floorset on Halloween night.  It was a definite bummer to spend my first Halloween as an adult by working until 4 am, but there was all kinds of candy there and we had a good time in the end.

The next year, however, was a different tune.  Albeit a lower-key one.

I worked at a call center called Converygs and there was a costume contest on Halloween.  Anybody could dress up, anybody could enter.  And I figured "What the fuck?" and went as a demented fairy.  I was decently chubby so I wore that lighter pink around my stomach so that I could cinch it tight behind me and suck in my gut in the process.  It sucked having to sit in that stupid outfit all day long at work but the result was that I won first place in the costume contest.

Didn't matter I won "scariest," I still won a DVD player.  And then promptly took it to Wal-Mart the next day to exchange for a couple movies because I already had a DVD player and it was a crappy one anyway.  Then things got real.


The first year I ever picked a character was Paris Hilton in 2006.  I didn't really succeed, but I had a great time that night in Chicago.  When I got down there, I went with @kconn to buy my very first pair of heels (size 15, natch) to stomp around his apartment in.  The skirt was an old black t-shirt that I cut the sleeves off of and then pushed down over my hips to tuck into my underwear.

This was the last year I'd ever have a shitty wig (from a cheap-o store) and bad makeup, though I suppose the makeup aspect is in the eye of the beholder.  I covered myself in bronzer (super thick) and eyeliner, and I suppose I was more of a precursor to Snooki than I was to Paris Hilton.  But people got the joke and it was all good.


Then came Paulette Bonafonte from Legally Blonde, and probably the most fun I have ever had on Halloween in my life.  I think part of it worked because I had Jennifer Coolidge's manish face, and the other part was because I absolutely nailed her voice.  @kconn was Elle Woods and we marched all over Chicago that night in our stilettos, earning our blisters and laughing hysterically the entire time.

And what was better was that people actually KNEW who we were.  What a compliment!  And people knew who I was!  From that stupid ass shirt (It's All About ME!) to the denim vest and skirt, all courtesy of "Faded Glory" at Wal-Mart, I owned the character.  I also got kissed by some guy dressed as a farmer with the best pecs I've ever seen in person, and really, how could the night have gone wrong after that?

Answer: it didn't.


Then Ken and I met, and though the first year and the last year we were together weren't really the best costumes, the second year was a blast.  I thought "Glitter Glam Barbie" and "Perfect Date Ken" was a cute couple idea (my first couple costume) and ran with it.  Ken didn't want to wear foundation but I forced him to because I said he needed to look like plastic.  I got my clothes at Express and re-used @kconn's wig from the year before.  Probably the least I have ever spent on a costume.


Hocus Pocus.  I went from the cheapest costume to the most expensive (I think when all was said and done it was north of $250 for everything).  This was also the first year since I was a kid that I enlisted my mom for her help, and she made me the awesome dress for Winifred Sanderson from scratch.  It was big enough to fit two of me inside, but I had a belt to hold it back so all was well in the end.  And again, as had happened two years earlier, everyone knew who we were.

And they were ecstatic.

Hocus Pocus is just one of those movies that people adore at Halloween time (even if it didn't do very well when it originally came out in theaters) but it isn't a costume you see very often.  Partly because it's a pain in the ass.  @kconn was a fantastic Mary and after a lot of coaxing I got Ken to agree to dress in drag and be Sarah. We wore them twice, once for the big Halloween party Ken and I put on, and then again a week later to go out to the bars.  I won first place at my own party.  We won second place at the bar as a group, and that was fine because it was a $50 tab whereas first place was for a keg party.  Who gives a shit about beer?


The Baroness.  Ken and I were having our second Halloween party (which was absolutely out of control, huge, and a RAGING success) and knew we couldn't blow a ton of money on our costumes.  So I got thrifty at Goodwill and put together this puppy.  I decided I wanted to do an ugly year, a pretty year, an ugly year, etc., and this was my ugly year (not to say Winifred was pretty).

But we had a great time (Ken was the Baron), and I won first place at my own party again.  And no, it was not rigged.  I think people felt bad for me, hahaha.  This party had one big flaw and it was that I did Tarot card readings for the first two hours of it, and my little booth was set up in the basement.  So I missed a huge portion of the night and I regret that.  But people enjoyed the readings and that's what mattered, right?



Oh man, I was so skinny.  Break-ups are great things, lol.  I was obsessed with the movie "Suckerpunch" and decided I would be Babydoll in 2011.  It was a one night only costume, because I not only had to shave my legs, but my stomach and chest as well (and that's no small feat) and the razor burn was an absolute horrible nightmare the day after.

Right before this event was also when I started writing the blog, so that's something you can just take with you all the way to the bank.

Babydoll was another creation of my mother's though, and aside from me ironing the pleats into the skirt, she made that costume from the top to the bottom.  And I keep every costume (for whatever reason, because I'll never double-dip like Peter Pan again) and I'm pleased this one still fits.  Kind of.  Well not really, but somewhat and I'm sure with a little grease I could get back into it just fine.


Twisted Sleeping Beauty.  I was inspired by the collection of pictures this guy drew of all of the Disney princesses as evil versions and thought Sleeping Beauty would be the most attainable.  I had a pretty good time with this one, but those contacts were a awful and I ended up flicking one out the car window at one point and then just dealing with the other one the rest of the night.  I don't ever want to do contacts again, but I'll never say never.

For the full details on that year, you can read all about it here.


Finally we come to last year and my return to dressing as a dude as Superman.  I made the costume myself and the only bummer of the three times I wore it last year was that people thought I bought it from the store.  That's really disappointing when you spend countless hours on something, lol, but it is what it is.  And it was a fantastic costume because really, a cape is the coolest thing you can wear.

The full recount can be viewed here.

And then we come to this year.  I didn't want to go from being macho Superman last year to delicate lady this year (ahem), and since I traditionally do an ugly year and then a somewhat attractive year, 2014 falls into the former.  Best kick this bitch off in 5-inch heel/platform stilettos as a sweet transvestite.

From transexual... Transylvania... that is (c;

I'll put up the makeup test soon, and then at the end of the month you'll hear all about how good (or bad) it went.  I'm looking forward to a new challenge like this and I have the voice down already.  I'm a smidgen nervous to show so much skin but hey, if you can't do it on Halloween, when can you?  I'll remember not to eat chili first.  No one needs that.  Ciao!

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Purchase "The Onyxus Chronicles: Episode I" HERE!

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