Tuesday, December 2, 2014

the november update: second edition

Clearly I'm Robin in this scenario.

I always feel like a total shit when it comes time to write an update and I realize I didn't write a single thing throughout the month leading up to it.  As if I owe it to you all because my life depends on it, and if I don't get one of these out then the world will implode.  Or explode.  Whichever,  I don't know.

But really I do end up feeling bad when I don't write anything.  Part of the reason I write so much is because I need an outlet to express whatever form of disappointment I find myself stuck in, either disappointment in myself or in some external force. It's weird to write that out but there you have it.  I guess the reason I didn't feel the need to write in November is because I haven't been disappointed.  Particularly in myself, because I've actually been quite proud.

@klreynol leaving town was a big slap of reality and it made me think about one of my favorite quotes.  "All great changes are preceded by chaos." It doesn't take a genius to look back at my October and see how much of a shit show it ended up becoming, for better or for worse.  I think the quote is applicable to real life because if you are too busy to look around, you're missing things.  As soon as the chaos stops, you have a chance to catch your breath and then you see what's waiting right in front of your face.  Perhaps it's the new guy working at your local Starbucks.  But I'm getting ahead of myself.

The month started quietly.  Best friend very gone to Arizona, Halloween events at an end, work settling into the quick pace of Holiday 2014... it was quiet.  I had the time at my disposal to work on The Onyxus Chronicles: Episode II without interruption.  And for a couple of weeks, that's how it went.  And y'know what, I'm just going to say right now that I wasn't going to write about the new addition in my life but hell, fuck it.  Because I like him and I've never gotten ahead by keeping these sorts of things to myself.

I met Derek.  Blog alias still pending.

It's been a really long time since I've been able to think about someone and just start grinning but I have, and there's something pretty great about that.  Not to put the cart before the horse or anything.

And really he was a huge part of my November.  Everything kind of fell by the wayside, including but not limited to the book (though I did finish the big edit), friends, and several phone calls that still need to happen.  I spent all of my free time with him and while I'm now starting to get the nagging feeling in the back of my mind that I need to pay attention again to everyone else, I'm not too bothered by it.

So get over it if you're mad at me.

Outside of the whole "relationship status" thing, life really did start ramping up again toward the end of the month.  Ye 'ol boss lady, Courtney, had her baby girl a week before Black Friday.  That event effectively had her stepping away from the store and allowing me to slide into the "Acting General Manager" role I spent most of the year getting a firmer grasp of.

There was initially panic, I admit it.  Quickly that panic began to flow away though because you realize you're ready for this, you've been ready for this, and it's just a matter of taking a big breath and stepping in to start waving your arms like a conductor.  Or a lunatic, either one.

A few days later was the Christmas Parade and the 6th year in a row that I've attended.  I don't really know why I enjoy going to the parade so much, it's never as fun as I think it is going to be.  Plus you usually have to watch your mouth because there are kids around and I have a certain knack for swearing dramatically to emphasize a statement.

i.e. "Well THAT float is a big piece of shit."

But the company was pretty perfect and what's more, it wasn't tooooo cold this year (last year it was like -5 or something) though my toes were fairly numb by the time we got back to the car.  A couple day later it was time for Thanksgiving, of which I have a very love hate relationship for.

I'm just plain and simple not a fan of it.  I never have been.  I mean, I enjoy eating as much as the next guy but calling it a holiday with a "message" is just silly.  There are a handful of movies that take place around Thanksgiving and the fact that more and more retailers are open on the day of it, who gives a crap anymore?  And don't call me a Grinch.  That's better reserved for the better holiday following.

This year I of course participated both with my family and with the family of @markstyleme (pictured above) out in New London.  Now that the Reynold's clan has transplanted to Arizona, I wasn't able to spend part of the day with them so I transposed myself nicely like a leech into his.  Had a great start to the day though and ate my fair share, then drove on out to Parker Manor to be with my family.

Aside from a perfect sunset, I suppose it's a good day for the sole reason that I get to spend some time with my family that I don't really see all that often.  At least, not in official capacity.

Then you've got Black Friday (puke) and the ensuing chaos that is the season of holiday consumers.  I was lucky enough to have Sunday off and went to cut down a Christmas tree with my parents.  This is a tradition that I will continue as long as I possibly can, no matter where I live.  Obviously in a warmer climate it won't be as nostalgic, but up here you've got snow and crisp air and some good pine trees to fill in the background.  Obviously.

I was going to write this on the 30th and fulfill my unofficial obligation to all of you to have these out actually on time, but Derek came over to help me decorate the tree.  Then we watched a movie.  Then I made dinner, and then I realized that the things that are important (and increasingly so), are right before your eyes.  I learned a long time ago that burying myself in the magical world of The Onyxus Chronicles (or even now in blogs) doesn't actually do any good to the people around you.  And if you sabotage those relationships, what else would you write about?  Amen!

So what else happened in November?  Moved on to the second-to-last step of editing Episode II, started to get sick of growing my hair out after a year and a half, and stopped taking shit from a certain individual.  Screwed up the tickets for a magic show (day late, whoops), launched a so far VERY successful St. Jude's campaign at Pottery Barn, and started going to the movies again.  Laughed a lot, started to feel a lot, and all because I achieved boyfriend status with a very special guy.

December can hardly be disappointing at this rate (c:

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