Incidentally, this blog has nothing to do with the 26 Things. Wha-what!
I'm just writing to write tonight, for no rhyme or reason. Which feels oddly foreign but I figured what the hell, I have it inside me right now so I might as well get it over with. (Insert "that's what she said joke" here.) I don't really have anything groundbreaking to talk about, but me being me, I'll talk anyway.
So I've been working at the Barn (refer to previous blogs if that title confuses you) for just under a month now, and I am pleased to report that it is going great. Initially when I accepted the job I was a little afraid for a few reasons, one of them being the fear that I wasn't just burnt out on Express but that I was burnt out on retail in general. Some people LOVE it and make a career out of it, and for a long time I did love it but that time had ended and I was left a little unsure. In all honesty that first week at the Barn was terrifying because of everything that comes with a new job.
Of course you have the new people, the new registers, and the new return policy. But what I had neglected to realize was that it would be an entirely new world all-together. Understanding clothing and the ins-and-outs of your job after 8 years becomes second nature; being thrust into furniture and a new position is less than second nature, it's like... alien nature. I'm so clever. That first week was just hell because I kept thinking "Oh God, did I make the right choice? Should I have left Express? This is too hard." I couldn't answer any customer questions. I couldn't accurately ring a transaction without looking at the buttons I was pressing. I couldn't explain the detailed return process and feel comfortable declining someone. Most importantly, I didn't know shit about the product I was trying to sell. Then I had to take a step back and ask WWJD?
That's not true.
But I did step back and remind myself that learning those things at Express took a large amount of time and that no one expected me to catch on to a whole new selling culture in a matter of hours. Maybe days, but certainly not hours. Needless to say I AM catching on and things are getting easier by the day. At first I felt like I was going to be bored walking around a smaller store all day, but on the contrary I am fairly busy. busy and calm, and that's amazing. And I am learning all kinds of fantastic things.
Aaaaaaaaaaand I don't have to size clothes anymore. Huzzah!
In other news I bought an iMac just over a week ago, making the official leap from PC to Mac and being pleasantly surprised at the ease of doing so. I'm still learning (getting tired of all this learning) how to run the operating system, but I'm getting it, quickly and surely. I started dicking around with iMovie tonight on the video project I have been working on all year (and will continue to do so) and I got super excited with the 30 seconds I can already watch. I sound very simple in this blog post. Note to self; work on sounding smarter-er.
What else what else... OH! I went to my storage unit after work today. (If you can't tell I'm really scraping the barrel for topics of discussion right now.) Initially I went to remind myself visually of what all I own in terms of dishes and glasses, but then realized I hadn't been there since January. Then I panicked because when it was raining like a cheap hooker last month a bunch of places were flooding and MAYBE my stuff was damaged. I was happy to see it hadn't been upon my arrival, but there was a large amount of mouse poopies on my couch which made me cringe. I ended up spending just over two hours going through boxes and rearranging them to make more space in the unit.
Only came across one or two things involving the dreaded-ex and I attacked them with an "OH MY GOD KILL IT!" method. That letter he wrote me and those pictures didn't stand a CHANCE!
I feel like I wasted your time with this but I also feel like I needed to just talk to clear out the residual thoughts of the last month before moving on into the second half of this year. Several exciting things are on the way and I can't wait to share them with everyone (c:
Enjoy a good song in appology for not broadening your inner eye with my blog. Ciao kids!
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