Wednesday, May 13, 2015

the april update: third edition

The April Update, also known as "The Blog that Refused to be Written," also know as the "No Fuckin' Place in the World" blog, is finally here.  Two weeks late.  Y'know, one of these days I'm going to post a monthly update so late in the game that it's going to be out the day before the next one is due.  I'm not going to apologize as if I were being paid to do these, but I feel like I should anyway.

Sorry 'bout it.

I really did sit down to write this blog several times but each time I just sort of wandered off, staring at the daisies and thinking about events coming up sooner than I realize.  It isn't so much that I don't have anything to write about, I actually do.  Loads of stuff.  Typically when I put these off and put these off, the resulting blog is typically good.  Sometimes not.  This blog in particular is (in hindsight as I go to click "publish") extremely random, but maybe that's just par for the course and something to break up the usual formula.  Anyway, on with it.

April was a fast month.  The months seem to habitually drag in the cold months until the world starts turning green again then everything seems to suddenly slip by so much faster.  At least that's what I find.  Do you?  Just the feeling of all things being relative I guess.  Remember that movie Deep Blue Sea that came out in 1999?  LL Cool J said it best: "Grab hold of a hot pan, a second can seem like an hour.  Put your hands on a hot woman, an hour can seem like a second."  I suppose in my circumstance it'd be hands on a hot man.  Or Derek.  I digress.

I'm sitting here in Starbucks right now on my 6 year old Toshiba laptop, the one I just dug out of the closet and brought back to life with a re-installation of Windows 7 (boom).  Only now as I type am I realizing the headphone jack doesn't work anymore and my music has been playing for the lovely crowd around me.  You're welcome!  I've got my ear-buds plugged into my phone now.

It has more music on it anyway.

::tosses hair::

I once lovingly referred to this place as "my" Starbucks but I don't think I'm allowed to do that anymore.  So many great spans of time have occurred between my sessions writing or editing here that I think claiming it as my own is silly.  But I do know I'm one of the few regulars and they (for the most part) all know my name without asking, so maybe carving my name into all of the table tops just now wasn't such a bad idea.  I dunno.

April got me to start understanding the reality of the situation set before me.  The encroaching date in August when Derek and I pack up and move to Austin is growing closer and closer and all I have been able to think about is that I want to finish writing my fourth book while still living here.  And by "finish" writing I of course mean "start it, work on it, and the complete it," because as stands only the outline is finished.  And if I were to finish the series here there would be a great feeling of having come full circle on one phase of my life.

That being said, it'd sure as shit be easier to come here in my days off and maybe even some evenings to indulge in a drink and write my book if I had a new laptop.  I've gotten so used to writing things on my Mac at home that typing on this keyboard feels foreign and weird.  I don't want to rest my wrists on the edges of it because it gets so warm so fast, and as a consequence my hands end up flying over the keys in a flutter of fingers and a blur of pale skin that needs to see some sunlight.  And if I can't listen to my tunes then what good are you!?

It should be noted that I just stepped away from this current blog to write three paragraphs of "the may update: third edition."  April certainly is the blog that refused to be written, and so far it hasn't really even been about anything at all.  Another rambler on a sunny day in Wisconsin!  But at least that means May will be on time, right?  On time-ish, at least.

There is a man that just sat down next to me at the "meeting" table because all of the other seats are taken.  I'm immediately uncomfortable because I don't like having my personal bubble invaded and I don't think I'm alone in thinking that.  He doesn't seem to be reading over my shoulder (re: hands) as I write, so for now I suppose he's cool.  He looks like Ben Kingsley but chubbier.  And less Middle Eastern... like maybe his grandparents were Middle Eastern but not his direct parents.  And just one of them, let's say grandma.  I'm just gonna say his name is Alec (with a C, not an X) and call it a day.

I've got a strange desire right now to watch 26 Golden Things.  I think I've been feeling incredibly nostalgic lately.  What was that quote from Mr. & Mrs. Smith... "I guess in the end you start thinking about the beginning."  I need to stop quoting shit.  Time here in Wisconsin is coming to an end and I know it and I guess I just want to relive everything great that's ever happened here before a new zip code claims me for its own and I develop a southern drawl.  Not an intense one that gets on your nerves like Matthew McConaughey's but more like...someone else.  I don't know, ask me later.

So what else happened in April that this blog so clearly did not write about in the very least?  Went to the graduation of @markstyleme from hair school, had the best Lemon Drop Martini of my life, and celebrated my best @kconn turning 30.  I sold 500 movies from my collection, I sold 3/4 of my book collection, and in the end felt so much lighter and just a little more organized for the future.  Celebrated Derek turning 24, saw a wonderful movie in The Age of Adaline, and had a great double date at Cannova's.  It's the nights like those that I think I'll miss the most.

For now I am content sitting here in a place I give full credit as my source of inspiration.  I wonder how many writers feel that way?  How many books does a person have to write in a public space before they should just dedicate said book to that place?  I don't know.  At least I don't know right now.  It'll be the last book of my series... it'll be the last book I write while living in Wisconsin.  There is an odd sort of finality to that, don't you think?  I think so at least.  Time will tell a tale.  Until then, toodles gang (c:

Sorry this blog sucked.


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