So, May. Lovely month. This year and most of the years in the past, actually. I think because it is the prelude to summer and you know that grilling out and running in the grass and hopefully a few swims are right around the corner. Ttrips tubing down the river aren't far away, then fireworks for the 4th and maybe a trip to the water park in Wisconsin Dells. None of those are up to bat yet, so May is spent with bated breath for the most part. And it started with a bang.
Ready for the Derby
Derek and I were invited to go to Minnesota for the first weekend of the month to join in on the fun of a Kentucky Derby Party. The timing was actually pretty perfect because Derek's birthday was April 30th and we had both taken extended weekends off of work in order to celebrate and this tied right in with that. So that was exciting! We took a chartered plane from Appleton out to Northern Minnesota, which was a slightly harrowing experience seeing as I had never been on anything other than a commercial airliner.
The creepy thing about flying on such a small aircraft is that once it takes off you realize just how small it really is. Yeesh. Take off from the ground and you understand how little there is between you and said ground, other than the thousands of feet of air of course. You feel every little bump, every little buffet of wind, but in the end it's a really fun experience. The girls riding with us made it all worth it because each leg of the flight (there and back) was absolutely hysterical.
The party itself was a bit of a let down, everyone agreed. It just wasn't as big or grand as I guess any of us were anticipating, but the weather was good so that was a plus. We all got dressed to the nines and had the best time we could. There was the initial party, then we went for dinner at a restaurant on a harbor and after that dropped by a couple country clubs before ending the night at a bar called Zorba's that was... interesting. Tiki torches, drunk college kids, and in the end, a girl that spilled her drink all over me and Derek and then insisted it was alright because her best friend is gay.
In this moment, bitch, I don't care. Now scoot.
The next morning we were laying low with our coffees and had breakfast at our friend's home, overlooking the lake and enjoying the good breeze coming off of it. Then it was time to go, and as you can see below, we had a great time. There was a ton of turbulence leaving Minnesota and two of our travel companions were not the biggest fans of the situation.
Later in the month I reconnected with a former best in a one-on-one circumstance, and it was really nice. When all's said and done, it's funny how things that were once so completely great could end in such an upheaval of angry words and thoughtless accusations. From both sides, not just one. And it's funny how nearly three years needs to go by before people (like me) are able to get over it and people (like her) are able to be resigned to the facts. I think once both sides of a party have hit their limit of caring (one having cared too much, one having not cared enough) things can finally mend back together. You look at the time that was lost and think about how silly things were to have gone so far.
But people like me... people like her... we put too much heart into things. And when you love as fiercely as we do, you fight as fiercely as well. If anything comes in the way to jeopardize your feelings you immediately put up a wall of defense and then it gets bad.
I think the great thing about that type of situation is that you can come back to a person and things fall into order the way they had been before. The same thing happened with @klreynol back in high school. The bottom line is that people make stupid mistakes about how they feel in stupid situations and the result is a stupid decision that wastes a few years of your life better served by just being friends. It's as simple as that.
I started thinking the other day about how interesting it is when things just start to wrap up, all by themselves, and how good that can make you feel. Derek was telling me about some show he watched that Bill Nye was on and how he had been laughing at people who say things "are a sign from the universe." Have I ever said that? I certainly hope not. The example given was some girl riding her bike at the gym or something and thinking about how tough her life was and she looked up at the person riding in front of her and saw that her shirt said "keep trucking" or something lame like that. She claimed it was the universe giving her a sign.
I think I look at it in more of a... karma way. I got the windshield on the car fixed, I consolidated my credit cards and finally took advantage of the cashback bonuses waiting for me on a credit card I've had since I turned 18. It wasn't a million dollars but it was still a chunk of change. It starts to feel like everything I have been putting out into the universe has finally started coming back to me, and that's a really great feeling. Do unto others, give when you can, yadda yadda... I think for people like me, and that's not saying I am a gleaming example by any means, but for people like me, the hope is that eventually karma will come around and fortune will smile.
Speaking of karma.
The beginning of the end.
I didn't have the money last year, I barely had the money to print off a few banners and host the launch party. So against my better judgement, I have decided to start a gofundme campaing. For those of you who are unfamiliar, gofundme is a website that allows people to raise money for projects, medical bill, ideas, etc. Unlike a Kickstarter campaign, everything you raise you get to keep. I hate asking for money, I really do, particularly when it is for something slightly invisible like marketing. But, no one ever got ahead by sitting on their behind so I said screw it and made one anyway. This is where I hope the karma comes back to me.
There are several incentives for people who want to donate, and they get better as the amount increases. All funds donated go directly into the book, not my pocket. There are banners and posters to buy, a Facebook ad-campaign to pay for, and of course a launch party and signing on August 14th that EVERYONE is invited to attend. I would not be asking for money to finance The Onyxus Chronicles if I didn't need it, so please consider donating and filling the part of you that wants to be a philanthropist. I honestly and truly appreciate it. The link to donate is below the picture of the cast established by the end of Episode II.

So what else happened in May? Saw the new Avenger's movie and had some mixed feelings, saw the new Mad Max movie and had some mixed feelings, and probably saw a couple others with mixed feelings as well. Partook in Mrs. V's baby shower, commemorated my own furry babies turning five years old, and had to shave my face for a photoshoot. Got drunk on margaritas on the Solea patio, didn't hesitate to enjoy the first BBQ of the year, and ended the month feeling fulfilled and ready for the final countdown to moving away from Wisconsin.
A lot of stuff is going to be happening over the next couple months and I cannot wait to share it with all of you. Because that's what I do! Until then, take care, see Jurassic World next week (three times in four days like I plan on), and rock steady. Ciao for now (c:
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