Thursday, October 10, 2024

the fourteenth iteration

There's something very familiar feeling about sitting down in early October to work on a blog... apart from the obvious things, of course (re: obvious being that I literally do this every year). The crisp morning air, my fingers cold and frigid as they pluck at the keyboard, a steaming mug of coffee in front of me, and the leaves outside finally starting to tumble and scrape across the street as they finish drying out. 

I love this feeling. 

I love the feeling of being back in a comfort zone of reminiscence, where I can calmly look at the 12 months leading to today and contemplate what I wrote a year ago, and how it has changed now. Different from the 'new resolution' blogs, where I determine what my personal goal will be for the year, these blogs are reserved more for a retrospective of where I was then and where I am now on key points. Usually, it's for the better, though in the past, there were times it was for the worse. Luckily, today, it's the former. 

So without further ado, let's explore it together in my favorite blog series that I get to revisit like an old friend, every October:

The Thirteen Year Anniversary for

Musings of a 

Self-Proclaimed Author

Lucky (unlucky?) number 13; I can guarantee you that 13 years ago, I did not envision still writing blogs here. I probably figured I would putter out by the 10-year mark if I even made it that far, but I suppose that's the funny thing about determination, right? There's something to be said about forcing yourself to prove a point around what you say you are going to do and what you are actually going to do. Look at restoring_sean, for example.

A year ago, I wrote that I had created the @restoring_sean Instagram account.

That was it. 

I had most (if not ALL) of the photos and videos collected for my first two houses: 750 files for the Manor, just under 700 files for the Ranch, and another 1,800 files for my current house, the Estate (now closing in on 3,500). But apart from having these photos and videos, there was nothing else. No plan on how to show them, no plan on what the format would be or how I would write about it or really any fuckin' clue on what I was doing. But I was going to do it. Because as I wrote a year ago today, I wanted to start generating content again.

In the beginning, it was easy for me to get confused about what this was all going to look like, and a big part of me wanted to keep moving backward to things I had done in the past that (somewhat) worked. Mainly the blogs (that some of you read, and I appreciate that SO much), but also 26 Golden Things, that tried and true fail-safe that I hold up on a pedestal despite it being a 12-year-old project that needs to just... diminish and fade into the west like Galadriel.

Then I decided to file for and own a business: restoring_sean, llc

Then I decided I'd make a YouTube channel: restoring_sean

Then I decided to purchase and develop a website:

And wouldn't ya know it, everything started falling into place, and that elusive thing I'd been wanting to JUST FUCKING DO for so many years finally started happening: I was making content.

Unsure of how exactly to provide this content to the world, I finally sat myself down and started working on it (which is a novel concept, but one I had only ever daydreamed about rather than actually figured out). Instead of going chronologically through houses in the order things happened, I would go room by room, start to finish. That made sense. So I mapped out the entire first season and what dates the episodes would drop, and then I mapped the second season.

On March 26th, 2024, I launched the first video on YouTube, an introduction to restoring_sean, and then it was off to the races. Every Wednesday at 6 a.m., a new video would drop, each one showcasing the work that went into restoring my first house, the Manor, and then my second house, the ugly red-headed stepchild that it was, the Ranch. It was trial and error for the entire process. 

- How can you make these videos engaging, funny, and informative? 

- What sort of personality do you put forth... 

    - ...the customer service one you honed at Pottery Barn?

        - ...the version your closest friends know? 

            ...the one just acquaintances know? 

               ...the one you showcase in the blogs, like the one you're reading now? 

Well, it took me a couple of months, but really, it's all of them. It's just "me."

Each episode of the channel is a blog written in Microsoft Word and about 8 pages worth of dialogue. With 15 episodes in the first season and 11 in the second, those two houses were wrapped up in 26 episodes that focused solely on the past (hey, look, 26... 26 Golden Things... not an accident!). Like I said before, I was ready to move on from the past, and capping it at 26 episodes was the way to do it. I just had to. 

Not that the past was holding me back, not by any means. I am a sentimental man, and I very much enjoy looking back at what brought me to where I am now. But at some point, you have to set down some of the THINGS from the past, solely as a means of freeing up your hands. Does that make sense? I hope so. With 26 episodes done, I was able to move forward this week with my first 'all-new, filmed this year with all new footage' episode: decorate the estate for halloween with me.

As of today, I have videos planned out through November of 2025. It's a daunting thing to look at that far in advance, though obviously in a helpful way as I can view things and alter the course waaaaay in advance. 

But I'll tell ya what, it's a lot less daunting to think about all of what's to come when I can now look back and see everything I've already accomplished. Two houses have been shared in their entirety and have now been put to rest, proving the point that I could follow through on my word of posting weekly and not fucking it up. The YouTube channel has not exploded yet. I've not gone viral, I've not crossed 200 views on any of my videos, but that's also just... okay. Much like with my books and these blogs (and with just about everything else in my life), it's an exploration of my own creativity that I am curious about and that I want to execute. Eventually, it becomes ingrained in who I am (like 13 years of writing blogs), and I just keep doing it. Do I want the channel to detonate and get monetized? Of course I do; that would be an awesome source of passive income for the work I've done and another incentive to continue doing it. But it's not paramount to me finishing what I started, and because it is not paramount or a deal breaker, I will just keep sharing and generating this content. If for nothing else, as something to look back on in the future and smile.

One thing does need to be mentioned, however, and it is how last year I discussed no longer having the "bandwidth" to do things and then trying to stick to my guns on choices I make. I... dunno what to say about that. 

Most of this last year was, in a word, overwhelming.

In classic "me" fashion I bit off WAY more than I could chew and then kept on biting like some annoying fuckin' dog going for your ankles. Taking on too much pays off when it's done, I can say that at least, and I feel rewarded by looking back at what I achieved. But in the moment... it's hard... and ultimately, too much is just "too much," and I don't know how to curb that. I will say, in the last month, I have started setting limits on things.

I've set limits on when I am reachable for items related to work, namely by putting a filter on my phone that prevents me from seeing messages after "work" hours.

I've set limits on friends when my own mental health is not in a state where I can handle the minutae of their own issues/struggles/problems, namely telling people they need to ask me if they can trauma dump before just doing so.

I've also become better at prioritizing the things in my life that need to be done NOW, versus the things that can wait, through the power of adderall and reminders on my phone.

I feel like this is still going to be the goal for the next year though, y'know? Maintaining limits and setting expectations for people that I can comfortably live up to, and not shit-my-pants-panic that I might drop the ball because I'm doing too much. I saw this great post on Instagram yesterday that really spoke to me, and I think is something I will make my mantra for the 12 months leading up to the 14 year anniversary blog:

"Say goodbye to urgency culture. You don't need to reply to that message now. Your email can wait. You don't have to live with anxiety because of the weird expectations of others. let yourself be human instead of forcing yourself to be a machine. your heart, nervous system, and adrenal glands will thank you" - Cory Allen

And so with that, I will wrap this up. Things are going well in my life now that the summer is over and fall has arrived. So much of what was up in the air this summer (if not this past year) has now been settled and put to bed, much of it not to be woken again. I'm very comfortable with that because it allows me to start looking forward again to what things can come next. And I think there are some very exciting things.

Ciao for now (c:

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

the may/june/july/august/september update: fourth edition

I needed a break.

That's the simplest... easiest... most finite way of explaining my absence. I needed a break. The YouTube videos, each an entire blog of their own, took up all of the writing creativity I had, and as of today, October 1st, we are one day away from the 26th episode (and season 2 finale) being released. That's about 14 hours worth of published video content and solid talking, and roughly 30 hours of actual filmed content that was edited down. These all come from scripts that are written for each episode, diving back in time (at least with the first season) 6 years to remember minute details from pictures and some videos. 

Those scripts also involved confronting, largely for the first time, a lot of trauma from the last house. 

Coupled with what ended up being a Herculean effort to finish projects on my house ahead of refinancing it, and then having to do MORE projects when my loan switched from conventional to FHA, and then even MORE hassles when the process was getting ready to close out, I just... I needed a break.

And truth be told, I'm having a really hard time grappling with that, to be honest. I entered this year with every intent of getting back to my roots and writing and updating and blogging. 

And I have done that... just not in the way I thought. 

That's not what I'm grappling with.

What I'm grappling with, re: struggling, is that I am still, for some reason, trying to be absolutely everything I can for everyone and everything in my life while still trying to be everything I can be for myself. You might ask what all that entails, so I'll bullet-point it for you (and me) because getting out down on paper (digital or otherwise) often helps me to organize it:

- I tried to be a best friend helping to navigate relationship issues. 

            - mostly failed at that.

- A best friend helping to navigate home ownership. 

            - I did okay at that.

- A good son grappling with family medical issues. 

            - I'm doing fine with that. 

- An interior designer helping clients with their own projects. 

            - This is actually going well. 

- A good employee trying to project manage and write an SOP book and handle a large new client while maintaining other clients. 

            - Good days and bad days here.

- A 'content creator' trying to religiously post new YouTube videos every week with Instagram posts supplemented in between. 

            - I have yet to truly fuck this up, so it's going well.

- A planner by scheduling said YouTube videos a full YEAR in advance to make sure I've got the content planned and ready. 

            - This has gone well.

- A healthy individual who is navigating medication for ADHD while losing weight and maintaining said weight loss and trying not to fuck it up.

            - I don't know man, stay tuned.

- A good homeowner and neighbor trying to make friends and spruce up my house. 

            - Varying degrees of success here.

- A good high school alumni, taking it upon myself to orchestrate a 21-year reunion in 2025 and reaching out personally to 357 classmates to do so (read the open letter here). 

            - This is going well, but the stress is making my eye twitch.

I'm trying to be a good sibling, I'm trying to be a good friend... I am setting constant fucking reminders in my phone throughout the week to do this thing, do that thing, and reach out to people (some I haven't spoken to in months) to touch base and reconnect. In the back of my mind, I am constantly telling myself that being out of retail means more than just getting to work from home; it means having time to do all of these things that I wasn't able to do before... but I'm still wondering why I'm not doing them. 

Why do my priorities get all twisted and turned, and I lose sight, again, of who I am as a person? Because I'm just... I'm always head down and barreling forward and trying to complete everything as fast as humanly possible while maintaining an air of "reach out anytime, I'm here!" And I'm doing this all... doing it with a smile and hopefully what comes across as a friendly demeanor and wondering why some of the people I want the most to reach out and say they're thinking about me just... don't. I think some people watch the YouTube videos and get their "fix" of me, but uh... I'm still hangin' out over here, solo.

It's hard. It's been a hard summer. It hasn't been the worst summer, by any means, but it's been hard. And I've done that to myself, I know this. Me, the over-achieving Capricorn, has once again bitten off more than he can chew. I wanted this year so badly to be the one that finally eclipsed years past in terms of how many blogs I posted to this site, and I don't think I'll be able to do that now. Another disappointment set up and knocked down by yours truly. There's never enough time, there's never enough money, but there's always enough drive to want to get things knocked out.

Of course, we still have a few months to go, so I shouldn't count that out yet. But right now, it just feels like one of those lofty goals I will need to let go of. 

And it's difficult for me to let go of things. 

So let's breakdown, very loosely and very quickly, the last few months of my life so you can have a little update and I can look back at what has shifted for me, and then I can feel like this blog isn't hovering above me like some bitch troll from hell, poking me with reminders of what I haven't done.


In May, work continued on painting the house, shown here on the southwest facing peak. The house is now finished being painted, apart from the actual PEAKS themselves, that work is being hired out because it's just too high up for me to safely reach. It will be completed by mid-October.


In June, I took a before and after photo of my weight loss, comparing 281 pounds at the end of February 2024 to 245 pounds at the end of June. I'm down to 235 now, which is the lowest my weight has been since 2014. It's an uphill battle, and it has mostly plateaued, but that just tells me I need to get into the gym (especially now that working outside all summer has ended) and keep working on it. I feel more comfortable in my skin than I have in a really long time, and that makes me feel very happy.


In July, I reunited with Derek for dinner and ice-cream, seeing him for the first time in over five years. It was amazing being able to not only reconnect but to firmly understand that despite how it ended, being "in love" with someone for as long as I was can translate beautifully into a friendship with such a strong history. We laughed through the evening, recalling things I had completely forgotten about, and it provided an amazing sense of levity to how I had been feeling in general then.


In August, I had to scramble and do a 48-hour makeover of my primary bathroom upstairs to be ready for my FHA appraisal. This remodel was not in the cards at all until the spring of 2026, but my hand was forced because of the peeling wallpaper and the possibility of failing the appraisal process because of it. This meant in a mere two days I removed all wallpaper, removed all of the trim, removed the old toilet, and removed the sink faucet. I wiped down the glue, painted a primer that "sealed" the remaining glue, painted a color primer, painted the fancy paint (Pearl Noire by Sherwin Williams), and added all new trim before painting it (Iron Ore). The closet doors were repainted (Tricorn Black), a new toilet was added, the vanity was painted (Tricorn Black), the vanity top was refinished with a kit, a new faucet was added, and new hardware for the closet doors and vanity, new shades for the lights, and new artwork.

I passed the appraisal, but the house appraised $20k lower than I wanted. It is what it is.

::this reminds me; still gotta repaint that floor::


Finally, in September, the month was mostly a blur, but I did get to escape up north to my oldest friend's (Leah) family cabin with her and her sister for a perfect weekend of early fall weather, great laughs, and a lot of serenity. I also rode an ATV for the first time in my life, but poor planning had me in a swimsuit, so I was just trying desperately not to crush my balls. Also, I've never felt my tits jiggle the way they did. You're welcome.

So there you have it, the May/June/July/August/September update. I could've just called it the summer update and into fall, but here we are. I'm struggling, which isn't new, it's just what I do. Maybe it's what we all do. Struggle through life and keep saying "oh once this thing is done, it'll get easier." And then again, maybe that's just adulting in general. I dunno.

What I do know is that It's October now, and I can wear hoodies. All of the prep work for the Halloween videos and the recording for said videos is done, and I just have to edit them together into something cohesive. I can look forward to the fact that I don't really need to buy anything for Christmas decor this year seeing as I did so much last year, and that's awesome. It wasn't the case for Halloween. But what I also know is that it WILL get easier, it always does, it's just a rocky road to get to that. Stay tuned.

Ciao for now (c: