Does anyone else look at January as just the worst month ever? If December is the crown jewel of the year then January in comparison is like... the shit running down your leg when you fart and don't realize what was up there. That was graphic but I can't delete it (blogger's rules (so sorry.)) But seriously I think of December as the build up to the main event and then January is the hangover that lasts 31 days.
Not all January's are alike and for the most part (in recent years) they have been tolerable. But this one was kind of a bitch, right Wisconsin? We had a few snow storms (re:blizzards) and several days of below zero temperatures. Tomorrow being one of them. I had the flu and puked my guts out at work, calling in sick for the first time in years. Split cuticles from the dry air, groggy eyes at the days that still seem so dark for so many hours, and a general lack of ambition.
But there were some good patches as well.
Such as the meeting of new friends. And even if some of them were not necessarily new, the "strengthening" of said friends. There is nothing quite like forging a bond with someone you weren't sure you ever would, platonic or not. Sitting down and picking eachothers brains, that's rare for me. I typically can analyze and figure a person out within minutes of meeting them (good judge of character over here) so when a rare bird comes along that intrigues me I just have to sit down with them to chat. It's a great feeling and one that is more than welcome in the dog days of winter. I'm not sure if that phrase applies to this season but I'll use it anyway.
Of couse there was the finalization of the "26 Golden Things" project that will be premiering in just two days plus a week. When I think about revealing my passion project to the world I get intense butterflies and then a little queasy but I know it is all par for the course. The final step of the project was the premier, and if I can get up in front of 40 of you and give a short intro speech WITHOUT crying then I will know I truly accomplished my goal.
I can't promise anything about the crying though.
Overall January is a month of relaxing and taking it easy before we start drawing in a collective breath to truly begin the year. I always feel like it is a slowed down month, one where you aren't really expected much of other than to just show up to work, do your job, and go home. If you can fill it with anything just a little bit more exciting then bravo and good for you!
As for me, I look forward to February. Mainly because it starts tomorrow. I doubt I'll have a lucky fella at my side come February 14th for the second year in a row, but that's okay. I'm content; content with how things are and of course with where they are going. You can all be my Valentine this year! Kinda makes me sound like a whore but... if the shoe fits. It's a big shoe though.
In all seriousness, thank you for being such great readers, fans, or family. This month I crossed 3,000 blog views and that's a pretty hefty milestone in my own humble opinion. Can we hit 4,000 by April? Maybe. Just do your part and share the word... words... the blog. Just share the blog. Spread it like wildfire because as the banner on my profile states, "a good spark would spread all over."
Happy end of January. Toodles gang (c:
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