It's been a long time. Since I've blogged, that is, not since anything else. Though... I suppose that doesn't really make sense either, mostly due to the fact that it HAS been a long time since I rode a bike, but not since I drove a car. So there are things that have fallen by the wayside and others that have taken their place, but that is true of anyone in life and anything they do. We love and we lose, we laugh and then cry, we watch friends wander away only to come back with their heads hung low... I guess we also eat too much and get fat but that's a different kind of issue. I'm rambling.
I used to blog my thoughts out to the world on MySpace when I thought people might read what I had to say. Looking back on it, they did read my words; that nifty little counter told me so. Usually I was just complaining about things but I think any teenager/early-twenties-gay does the same. So what do I want to attain with this blog? I'm not sure entirely, but mostly I just need an outlet for venting. I'm writing my third book, and my venting tends to go into it which makes the story WAY too dramatic and my main character a real twat. A twat being a lady's dick of course. Thank you Paul Rudd, natch.
I can't promise this will always be funny. I also can't promise it will always be deep and meaningful. I think the only thing that it will be is a mixture of both, and thus, a replica of me... equal parts sugar and spice, a good sense of humor, an oft fairly sarcastic undertone, and, of course, a good dose of that bitchy venom some of you love so much about me. Tonight is mostly for fun as there isn't anything HUGELY pressing on my mind, but stay tuned. Because if you know me at all, you know I like to tell my stories with a certain flourish. Like that time I cleaned up someone's diarrhea in the fitting room at Express.
So what am I doing right now you may ask? Well I am plowing through a rather large bag of candy my District Manager gave me for winning a contest. The card says "Sean, congrats on winning the District Challenge Event. Driving the overall store win with your personal CSL results (= Thanks for all you do, Angel." It was a nice gesture, but candy? Really? Handing me such a large offering of temptation in a handsomely decorated bag won't do my hips any favors, nor will it assist in the mystique of this year's Halloween costume. Alas, I am eating the gross candy first (Laffy Taffy, Jaw Busters, and the oddly colored suckers that look like fancy versions of those you'd find at the doctor's office,) before moving on to the chocolate. Namely the KitKat bars.
I've got to print out the progress I have made on Book III right now, that way I can begin editing it. I was supposed to do that about an hour ago but then I got sidetracked with this and then, by way of that, started flipping through a magazine. Don't ask. Just stay tuned, the story gets better (c:
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